In the valley of the northeastern part of Attica, with a view to Euboean gulf, there is the remains of Ramous, that belonged to Aiantis tribe of Athens. In this area there is the Nemesis temple, that was built after Persian Wars. The statue of the Goddess was made by famous Phidias, friend of Pericles. The fortress was constructed like that of Sounion, were made during Peloponnesian War, so as to check the ship trade routes to Athens.
At 322 BC, the Macedonian general Kleitos send army to Ramnous. The Athenian general Fokion fought him and took the fortress back.
During Christian centuries that followed, after 4th century AD, all ancient temples were destroyed.
The site was a part of European travellers that visited the space during Ottoman times. The first excavations took place from Dilettanti company in 1813 and Greek Dimitris Filios in 1880.
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