Driving from Plaka to
Besides walking, here are some driving tips from Plaka, in order to plan your trip to Athens and other close destinations. We have estimated these timeframes with an average traffic, which during the summer- apart from August, when the city is empty- traffic becomes really worse.
Major transfer list
Taxi to Syntagma metro: 10 minutes without traffic.
Piraeus port: without traffic jam 20-25 minutes, with about 45 minutes- one hour.
Athens Airport: without traffic jam 45-50 minutes, with traffic more than one hour, no one can really tell 🙂
KTEL- Bus departures & arrivals across Greece (there are two stations, one at Kifissos, second at Liosion): without traffic jam 25 minutes, with about 40 minutes to both ways. Kifissos is closer to Plaka.
National Railway station (OSE), from where you take a train to either northern Greece or use Proastiakos to Corinth. 40 minutes max.
Attica Hills & mountains
Lycabettus hill: 10-15 minutes. Close to Kolonaki, normally there is not much traffic, but it also depends.
Parnitha: one hour to the sidehills, it depends on how you want to reach the top, not more than two hours in total.
Penteli: about one hour, using Pentelis street.
Ymmitos & Moni Kaisarianis: 40 minutes, since it is the closest mountain in Athens center.
Tourkovounia hill: app. 45 minutes. The hill is located at Galatsi suburb.
Beletsi Lake: one hour. Located at the steps of Parnitha, it is a unique natural spot.
Athens Coastline
Sounio and Temple of Poseidon: one hour minimum.
Lavrio port: one hour average.
Rafina port: one hour average. It is near the airport.
Artemida beach: one hour, you can dine at fish tavernas in a more reasonable price than anywhere else.
Saronikos: to Piraeus and then by ship to Aegina etc: 2-3 hours
Salamina: 50 minutes to Perama port and then 25 minutes by boat
Classic destinations
Olympic Stadium (OAKA): 45 minutes. The place where Athens 20o4 Olympic took place.
Marathon: one hour
Elefsina: one hour
Olympia: max 4 hours
Delfi: max 4 hours
Thiva: one hour and a half