Day Trips from Athens

Do you wonder where you can travel from Athens?

Meteora, Delphi, Nafplio, Argos, Corinth, Nemea, Elefsina, Thiva, Marathon and so many other places around Attica that you can visit. 


Attica trips 

Marathon: one hour from Marathonos Avenue

Elefsina: less than one hour from old national highway

Ramnous archeological site: a must to go, one hour from Athens. You can combine it with a Marathon visit. 


Peloponnesus day trip

If you choose to go to Peloponnesus, it would be great to make a stop to Isthmos and see the famous Corinth canal. You can take some amazing pics from there. 

Corinth Canal: one hour

Olympia: max 4 hours

Nemea: max 2 hours 


Mainland Greece day trips 

If you go north from Athens, there are two ways to reach Thiva: either from national road OR, if you like a mountain road trip, you can go from Elefsina and go the way from Parnitha, up the mountain and reach Thiva from the old road. Its a normal road, without tolls and you can enjoy the view and the way. It also passes from the historic battlefield of Plataies. 

Delfi: max 4 hours

Thiva: one hour and a half

Napflio: max 2 hours 

Thermopylae: 2 hours 

Here is a link with driving distances from Athens, but here is also some information. 

You can contact our partner, Lumen Travel via our contact form for more information.

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