Plaka, Athens and prices

Coming to a new city bears questions regarding how much some products, tickets or services cost. Even if Athens is not such an expensive capital compared to other European ones, here are some prices as a guide to use it while walking to Plaka’s streets. For those who have few years in the city of Athena, prices have unfortunately raised a bit! 


Food & drink prices

Water (half a litre) 0,5 -1 euro

Cafe: 4-5 euros

Souvlaki: 3-4 euros

Cigarettes (a packet): 4-5 euro

An average served restaurant dish: less than 10 euros

An expensive served restaurant dish: 15-18 euros

A glass of wine: 5 euros (served)

A draft beer 500 ml: 6 euros

A drink at a bar: 7-8 euros

A cocktail drink: 10-12 euros

An average bottle of wine: 20 euros

A bottle of alcohol at a nightclub: 60-80 euros

Check restaurants


Transport & transfer 

Metro- public bus ticket: 1,5 euros lasting for 90 minutes

Metro ticket to the airport: 10 euros

Taxi from Athens to the airport: (day) 38 euros, (night) 54 euros

Ferry ticket to Saronikos islands: 10-15 euros

Ferry ticket to Aegean islands: 25-35 euros (even higher sometimes)

A ferry ticket for a car: starting from 50 euros going up to 250 for Crete itinerary.

Athens Taxi details


Athens Experiences 

Acropolis museum: 10 euros

Acropolis hill (and all the visiting nearby area): 20 euros

A public archeological site without museum (not Acropolis): 2-6 euros

A museum ticket: depends, normally 8-12 euros

A cinema ticket: 7 euros

A theatre ticket: 15 euros

A festival ticket: depends, around 10-20 euros

A ticket for a hotel pool: 15-30 euros

Churches: free entrance is everywhere in Orthodox churches (donations are welcome, by lightning a candle).

More Experiences 


Gifts and Souvenirs Tips

Jewelry prices have to difference anywhere.

Handmade items are definitely cheaper that rest of Europe.

Food products (olive oil, honey, etc) as Greece is an agricultural economy as well is much cheaper.

Fashion and design items: Greece has many things to show to the world and offer them in competitive prices.

Greek souvenirs: made in China, so not highly recommended..

Art Galleries: Athens has many galleries, with many many options.

Of course all the above prices are indicative and you can find more expensive services around the city if you wish… But knowing the above makes you more sure you can navigate the city more safe! enjoy and you wish anything more drop us an email!

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