Athens Experiences

Are you looking for experiences while in Athens and Plaka?

You can choose from a plethora of options: visit museums, go to the Orthodox churches around Plaka, enjoy one of many wine bars, open air cinemas and or visit Dora Stratou theater, to immerse yourself in traditional Greek dancing.

Our book “50 shades of Athens” includes 50 main points of interest.

However, here’s an additional list with things you can do: 

  1. Daily Trip to Cape Sounio and Poseidon Temple (tip: You can rent a car for convenience). 
  2. Daily Trip to Athens mountains, Parnitha, Immitos or Penteli. 
  3. Saronikos Gulf cruise, (tip: sea cruises are daily, you can book ticket @ Lumen Travel. Mention VisitPlaka page for discount!). 

East Attica Cruises: Daily cruises with a traditional Greek wooden boat. Book Now your ticket directly!

  1. Theatrical Shows and interactive games in the shadows of the AcropolisWho killed Callimachos is a mystery game – theatrical show in English, run daily @ Athens Living Museum. Medea and Other Friends I Made in Athens, is a theatrical show in English, run daily @ Koilon theater.

  2. Food experience in specialized restaurants (see our Plaka must eat top 10 restaurants)

  3. Athens Bike tour around Plaka’s streets and monuments.

  4. Cooking Classes. 
  5. Pottery Classes at Dotahart Art Ceramic Lab, located at Plaka, Afroditis street. 
  6. Greek dances classes at Dora Stratou theater. You can watch night shows here.
  7. Philosophy workshops from Hellas Revival. 
  8. Fishing Experiences around Attica

Don’t forget to ask for our Athens Plaka FREE Map as well.

Orthodox Churches

Plaka Streets

Plaka Shopping

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