Athens Day Trips
Day trips from Athens (Plaka)
Here are some tips with driving distances from Plaka.
There are many options for day trips in Meteora, Delphi, Sounio, Ancient Olympia (even a bit tiring), Thebes.
By boat you can make a Saronikos boat cruise in cosmopolitan Hydra.
There is also a passage by ferry boat to Salamina, from Perama port. The boat trip to Salamina island lasts 20 minutes and the way to Perama from Athens center is about 40 minutes. You can definitely go to Piraeus by train (Line 1-green) and from there you can take a taxi- it is not too far.
In Salamina there is a museum and many cafes where you can enjoy the sea.
By boat you can visit Aegina island, which is famous for Saint Nektarios monastery.
Saronikos offers also some cruises options to Poros except from Hydra island. There is also the smaller island of Agistri you can visit, where you can also stay.
BY public bus, there are two bus stations in Athens, one for Peloponnesus, located at Kifissos, and one more for central Greece, located at Liosion (as it is also called).
There are buses connecting Athens to all Greece.
BY train you can visit OSE, the national railway, where you can get to Thessaloniki actually easier.

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